Phone Holder for Keon by Kiiroo

Home Masturbator Blow job simulator
Have your hands free to use your Keon automatic masturbator with this adjustable phone holder.

Now you can use your favorite automatic stroker while watching your favorite erotic material.

Specially designed for the Keon automatic stroker and compatible with most cell phones, this holder is easy to adjust and attach for quick and efficient use!

Materials: Injection-molded ABS, rubber, cotton, Velcro
Height: 12.5 cm / 125 mm
Width: 10 cm / 100 mm
Depth: 3.5 cm / 35 mm
Weight: 64g (with box)
Compatible phone sizes: Min. 66 mm wide and max. 80 mm wide

WebID: KII-20024
Color: Black

Discreet delivery is FREE for orders over 59$
Delivery: Shipped within 24 business hours