Éros et Compagnie is excited to release our home brand line of Intimité's house products that will help you reach ultimate levels of pleasure! Based on highest quality, warranty and customer satisfaction, we are proud to present you with our new adult sex toys.
Intimité : Prestige - Confidence - Reliability - Affordability.
Wearing the japanese balls, the Essentielles, stimulates movements of contraction-relaxation movement of the muscles forming the pelvic floor, thus exercising your coccygial muscle which is responsible for a healthy sex life.
This exercise has been popularised by Dr. Arnold Kegel in 1940 and this is why you often hear Kegel exercises when japanese balls are involved. Using our japanese balls is the easiest and most effective way to work out your kegel muscles because your vagina is forced to react to keep the balls in. These japanese balls are exactly the same as the one described into the book; ‘’Fifty shades of Grey’’.
WebID: EC12009
Diameter: 2 Cm (0.79 In)