Keon Neck Strap by KIIROO

Home Masturbator Blow job simulator
Use your Keon Automatic Masturbator hands-free with this neck strap by KIIROO!

Specially designed for this masturbator, the strap is easy to adjust and attach for quick and efficient use!

Material: Injection Molded ABS, Rubber, Cotton, Velcro Strap

Height: 12.5cm / 125mm

Width: 10 cm / 100mm

Depth: 3.5cm / 35mm

Weight: 74 grams (without box), 96g (with box)

WebID: KII-20025

Discreet delivery is FREE for orders over 59$
Delivery: Shipped within 24 business hours
Average customer review (/5):

useful, by DaveGH
Really happy with this purchase! Great way to use my toy without the fuss of holding it and my phone lol the most innovative strap, a must