Metal ball to stimulate your G-Spot. Secretly stimulating your G-spot and offering a heavy weight to grip around, the Inner Goddess silver balls are ideal for those in need of a new toning challenge with added satisfaction. Designed for those who have used kegel exercisers before and now need a new challenge, these pleasure balls offer a combined weight of 221g to maximize the effects of your toning and vaginal rejuvenation. Exercises are easy to perform, simply clench your vagina around the balls as if you're trying to pull them up further inside you. Clench as tight as you can and hold for as long as you can and then release. Repeat this exercise 10 - 15 times in a row and aim to do your exercises two or three times a day. During exercises, the silver balls will move against your G-spot, firmly stimulating your hottest internal pleasure zone and making toning a deeply erotic and sexually satisfying experience.
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